The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1006850
Posted By: Kelly
23-Aug-03 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Amos, I fully understand apprehension at her oh-so-vocal conservative past, but I laugh every time I recall a recent quote of hers. She said she felt there should be a statute of limitations on people's past political persuasions coming into play. She said, when she was a Republican, Dennis Miller was still a liberal and still funny. (hehe) Then she stated that there is a name for people who age, but never change their opinions and beliefs no matter how much evidence is shown them. Republican.

I think what really convinced me of her change in beliefs was either when I read her book "How to Overthrow the Government," or more recently when the leader of the Green Party (and a fellow recall candidate) openly encouraged her to run for the recall, saying that the Greens and Arianna together could do much to effect change in California.

(Though, in truth, Id much rather Medea Benjamin was the main super-left candidate for the recall. hehe.)