The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62359 Message #1007379
Posted By: Roberto
24-Aug-03 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tony Rose's Hind Horn
Subject: Lyr Add: HIND HORN (from Tony Rose)
I'd like to get the text of Hind Horn as sung by Tony Rose, in Bandoggs. Here is what I can get. There is a phrase I can't get in the seventh stanza, and I am not of some words here and there. Please, somebody that knows this recording, could you help me to complete and correct this text? Thank you. Roberto
Young Hind Horn to the King he's gone Hey lililo and a ho lo la And he's fell in love with his daughter Jean Hey down and a hey diddle downy
She gave to him a golden ring With three bright diamonds set therein
When this ring grows pale and wan It's there that you'll know that love is gone
Now the king has sent him o'er the sea For seven long years in a far country
One day his ring grew pale and wan And he knew that she'd loved another man
So he's left the sea for his own land And it's there that he's met with a beggar man
What news, what news old man (...) There's none save the wedding in the king's own ha'
Cast off, cast off your beggar's weeds And I'll give you me good grey steed
Oh it's when he came to the king's own gate He's sought them a drink to the bridegroom's sake
And the bride gave him a glass of wine And when he's drunk he's dropped in the ring
Oh got ye this by the sea or the land? Or you took (?)this from a dead man's hand?
I got it neither be sea nor land For you gave it to me with your own hand
Oh, I'll cast off me gown of red And along with thee I'll beg my bread
Oh, you need not leave your bridal gown For I'll make you the lady of many's the town
Her own bridegroom had her first wed But young Hind Horn had her first to bed