The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62359   Message #1007424
Posted By: GUEST,MCP
24-Aug-03 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tony Rose's Hind Horn
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tony Rose's Hind Horn
Here are the corrections as I hear them. (The replacement of ha' with hall is debatable; the ending of the word is very soft and it could be ha', it just that hall rhymes better with the definite befall of the previous line).


When this ring grows pale and wan
It's then that you'll know me love is gone
What news, what news old man doth befall
It's none save the wedding in the king's own hall
Oh it's when he came to the king's own gate
He's sought there a drink for the bridegroom's sake
Oh got ye this by the sea or the land?
Or took ye this from a dead man's hand?