The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1007653
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
25-Aug-03 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
About a dozen or so years ago, a very consevative carpetbagger named Michael Huffington moved to our area from (where else?) Texas and was immediately elected to the House of Representatives. He was a gazillinoaire so there were countless TV ads during the campaign. Many of them showed him with Arianna and their two beautiful children but only Michael spoke (her accent would have been distracting).

The day after he was elected he began to work on his campaign to be elected Senator from California and, ultimately, President. Since that left no time for him to represent his constituency, he was not re-elected.

In the meantime, Arianna caught him having sex with someone else. Now in politics that's pretty normal, especially if he had his eye on the white house, but in this case the other woman turned out to be a man. She promptly divorced him and will never have to work again if she doesn't want to.

But, she began writing and making TV appearances and was very conservative. For a while she was making a regular appearance on Saturday Night Live with none other than Al Franken in a very clever skit called "Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows". They would always appear in bed together and argued about politics. He would always introduce her as "the beautiful but evil Arianna Huffington".

The next thing we knew she was on the left espousing all those things Kelly says she stands for. It's never too late to learn!

Personally, we're torn between voting for Gary Coleman and Larry Flynt. Although the stripper (what's her name, anyway?)could get our vote. Just kidding.

Bev and Jerry