The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #1007834
Posted By: Big Mick
25-Aug-03 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
I haven't read this whole thread, but I pretty well think I know how it goes. Time to chime in on this, given my background.

A little setup, though, must come first.

For those of us on the progressive side of the equation, there should be only one criterion. That is electability. While I have great respect for diversity of opinion on candidates, this Presidency should convince you of the necessity of defeating dangerous candidates. I believe that at some point, political pragmatism must take precedence over philosophical purity. I am a great case in point. My views of the world would have a Tom Harkin as President in a heartbeat. But what we know of his electibility tells us that it just isn't wise to support him for this endeavor. Nader, while a legitimate candidate, shows us what happens when philosophical considerations take precedence over the pragmatic fact of elecability. I reject those that are angry with him for running (it was his right), as well as those angry at those who voted for him (their arguments for supporting him were sound). But I ask you to look back at that time, and ask yourself if we are better off as a result of it? My answer to that is no. The system is designed to allow these types of campaigns in the primary/party caucus period. Many of those that I have spoken with, that voted for third party folks that are otherwise Democrats, didn't bother to vote in these crucial candidate selection elections. If a candidate cannot carry these elections, it is unlikely that their message will resound with the crucial middle. Like it or not, my friends, it is always a battle for the middle. The party that gets more of these folks leaning right or left, is the party that WILL prevail.

Now to Governor Dean. I am very interested in this man. He has been unfairly painted by some as too far to the left. The simple fact is that he is a progressive of the first order, who seems capable of drawing the swing voters of both parties. He seems to me to be in the right place on the environment, labor, social infrastructure, business (small to midsize) infrastructure, and Health care. The only question for me remains, is he electable? I have been watching the numbers carefully. As a veteran political campaign director, the rallies and such don't mean a lot. These are, in the main, staged. I want to watch the polling so I can ascertain where the all important middle seems to be coming down. Middle does not equate to middle class, nor is it broken out by ethnicity or income level. It is that great block of average folks that most of you call undecideds or independents. It crosses age, gender, ethnicity, and income levels. These average folks just trying to raise their kids and live their lives are the ones.

So far, so good, Governor Dean. If when it shakes out, you are our guy, that will be fine with me. Speak your heart, but think very carefully as you do. You seem to have a plan, and you seem to be enunciating it well.

All the best,
