The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62385   Message #1007934
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Aug-03 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: Blind leading the Blind-incompetent music teachers
Subject: RE: Blind leading the Blind
I've seen examples of what Newbie is alluding to, and I've seen the contrary (people who were quite good at playing the instruments doing such workshops). I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

For instance, this year at the Mariposa Folk Festival they had hired a 3-woman "comedy" group to do comedic performances in between the musical sets. Their performances were so godawful and annoying that it drove away much of the audience to seek relief at the food concessions, at the other stages, at the beach, ANYWHERE. They were simply dreadful.

What is particularly ironical is that they were supposedly on to prevent the phenomenon of "dead air" (nothing in particular happening onstage) to cause the audience to lose interest (Horrors! Can't have that!) and drift away from the main stage.

Pathetic, that's what it is.

I would just love to hear some dead air now and then. It would be nice and peaceful and would allow me to reflect upon and savour the musical performance that just ended. Instead I am tortured by MC's who blather on and on between acts, enjoying their fifteen minutes of fame and ego-tripping all over the place, and comedic trios that make a trip to the dentist seem like being in heaven.

GAAAAAHHH! Give me dead air, please!

- LH