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Thread #61303   Message #1008975
Posted By: Alice
27-Aug-03 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Update on the challenge to reach the One Million dollar match of small donors against Bush's donors - while Dean was speaking at the last location on his four day tour, Bryant Park in NYC, 17,115 Americans had raised $1,003,620. As of midnight, 17,717 Americans have contributed $1,032,903.94 to the Raise a Million against Bush challenge.

The numbers of people signed up at to meet on Sept 3 and talk about what they can do for Dean in their community has grown to 92,010. In contrast, Kerry has 9,500. Since June, I have watched the phenomenon of people searching out Dean and his message, clamboring for something they can do to get him elected. My sense then was he is the only one that can beat Bush. I'm convinced of it. Remember that Bush didn't even win the popular vote the first time. If each voter who voted, some reluctantly, for Gore last time, has a candidate they are excited about voting for this time... things will be different for W. The Dean campaign has also brought many new voters out of the woodwork, those who had stopped voting who say they will vote again now, and those who have never registered before. The number of Republicans supporting Dean also tip the scales away from Bush. The huge deficit is a major issue for many conservatives.

Check the front page of the New York Times above the fold. It's Dean. Dean is now at 35% in New Hampshire, Kerry at 17%.