The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #1009027
Posted By: Nerd
27-Aug-03 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Peg, Dean has said that he thinks Marijuana will turn out to be a good medicine for Cancer and Aids patients, not so good for glaucoma. I am therefore guessing he has read the studies that have been done on this and has actual medical opinions on the matter. He is not simply mindlessly obstructing the use of MJ for medical reasons.

Here once again is his position:

I will require the FDA within first 12 months to evaluate marijuana and see if it is, in fact, a decent medicine or not. If it is, for what purposes -- for certain purposes, and I suspect it will be for cancer patients and HIV/AIDS patients. And it should be allowed for that. But I suspect it will not be allowed for things like glaucoma. But we have to do the FDA studies. I think marijuana should be treated like every other drug in the process and there shouldn't be a special process which is based on politics to legalize it.

If you're a doctor and you disagree with him, fine. But would you really let that be the issue on which you vote for the U.S. presidency, because under him it might take one year longer to have MJ approved for medical reasons than with another candidate?

In any case, Dean's proposition above is the only one that makes any sense. Would you want to set a precedent whereby the president makes executive decisions to suddenly approve medicines WITHOUT the FDA looking at them? Given the size of "Big Pharma" that would REALLY open the floodgates of corruption!