The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #1009389
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
28-Aug-03 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?

We do not deny any of the charges against Davis you made in your first post. We don't particularly care for him either. You clearly didn't vote for him last time and neither did a lot of other people. Nevertheless, he managed to win the election.

What we're objecting to is the recall. It's definitely legal and conforms to the California constitution but we think it's unethical and unwise. First, less than one million signatures were required to cause the recall to happen. In the last election there were about eight million voters. In California you could get one million signatures on a petition to secede from the union.            

Second, the structure of the recall is ridiculous. One theoretically possible result is that Davis gets 49% of the votes and someone else gets elected with 1% of the votes. Another is that Davis gets 51% of the votes and remains in office while somone else gets 100% of the votes. It's really a stupid law.

Also, Issa contributed a lot more than organizational skills. He contributed over a million dollars or about one dollar per signature.
Then, he apparently got forced out of the election by the Republican party bosses.

Bev and Jerry