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Thread #61303   Message #1009674
Posted By: Don Firth
28-Aug-03 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
As far as Dean's electability is concerned, I keep hearing that he's too far to the left and people won't accept him. Who keeps saying this? As far as I can tell, it's Republicans hoping against hope and members of the Democratic Party who are having an identity crisis about what party they really belong to—the one's who miraculously manage to walk upright despite their lack of spines. I quoted this above about six weeks ago, but I think it merits re-quoting. And perhaps being made into a sampler to hang on the walls in every Democrat's home or office.
When voters are given a choice between voting for a Republican, or a Democrat who acts like a Republican, they'll vote for the Republican every time.
                                                                                                                               —Harry Truman
My three favorite candidates are Dennis Kocinich, Howard Dean, and John Kerry in that order. I don't think Kocinich has a chance of being nominated because he is so outspoken that, although what he says is right on the button, I think he scares people (so in a sense I'm going against my own principle). What Kerry says is pretty good and he has a good, solid background, but as far as I can tell, he has waged a lack-luster campaign so far. He could improve, I guess, when time gets shorter. My fourth and fifth picks would be Sharpton (I like what he says, but I don't know if he has the necessary skills for the job) and Carol Moseley Braun, but I don't think they have a ghost of a chance of even getting nominated. The rest seem to be a sort of faceless mush. Howard Dean's positions are good ones (which is to say, I agree with most of his positions), he obviously has the governing skills (proven), he has an excellent record (his accomplishments in his home state which I regard as very positive), he obviously has the drive, and he obviously has a lot of support early on. I'm open, but so far, Howard Dean looks very good to me.

In the meantime, despite what you're liable to hear on Fox News, Bush's approval rating is sinking like a rock.

Don Firth