The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62493 Message #1009770
Posted By: Roberto
28-Aug-03 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Roy Bailey's Geordie
Subject: Lyr Add: SPARE ME THE LIFE OF GEORDIE (from Bailey
Please, help me complete this text, Spare Me The Life Of Geordie, sung by Roy Bailey, on New Bell Wake. The problems are in the fifth and ninth stanza. Thank you. Roberto
As I rode over London Bridge 'T was on one morning early There I espied a fair lady Lamenting for her Georgie
Come fetch to me some little boy That can go on an errand quickly That can run ten miles in an hour With a letter for a lady
Come saddle me my milk white steed And bridle it most rarely That I may go to Newcastle jail And beg for the life of Georgie
When she got to Newcastle jail She bowed her head so lowly Three times on her bended knees did fall Saying - Spare me the life of Georgie
It is no murder George have done Nor have he killed any He stole sixteen of the king's fat deer And sold them in the army (???)
Well, the judge look'd over his right shoulder And seeming very sorry He says - My dear, you are now too late He's condemned already
Oh six pretty babes have I got with me And I love them most dearly I would freely part with them every one If you'll spare me the life of Georgie
Well, the judge look'd over his left shoulder And seeming very hard-hearted He says - My dear, you are too late There is no pardon granted
Oh Geordie shall hang in a chain of gold Which are few, (???) there are not many Because he came of a noble line And was loved by a virtuous lady