The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62493   Message #1009937
Posted By: Stewie
28-Aug-03 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Roy Bailey's Geordie
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roy Bailey's Geordie

I hear exactly the same as you: 'in the army' and 'which are few, there are not many'.

The latter seems fair enough if you look at the pertinent stanzas in the various versions that Malcolm linked in the 'Geordie' forum link given by George above. The thought seems to be that the 'chain' or 'string' is rare. Two examples that I have to hand are the text in appendix to Child #209 'Geordie':

Georgy was hanged in silken string
The like was never any

And Cox #23:

Georgie he was hung in a white silk robe
Such robes there are not many
