The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62489   Message #1010773
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Aug-03 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Allotments
Subject: RE: BS: Allotments
My datura is from the biology department fundraiser last spring at the university where I work. I'm assuming he used native seed. He thought they were hard to start, but the seeds that have dropped off of mine do start in the same pot. It would get much larger in the ground, and while it is in the pot it needs more water because it is so hot here. These grow well in the prairie and desert (I've seen them from Texas to the Sonoran desert of Arizona) so I think they have deep roots when they're in the ground. They would then need very well-drained soil and deep watering when you water--not shallow water every day, but deep every week or so until it's established. Don't fertilize it either, or you'll just push the leaves and not the flowers.

It was a fairly small plant (10" tall) when it put out it's first flower. They can and do stand direct sun, but I moved mine to get a little less than sun all day, again, since it's in the pot. I have several plants to "liberate" this fall, to plant in beds so they'll establish themselves and come back next year.