The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36445   Message #1011329
Posted By: running.hare
02-Sep-03 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: Help: Wareham Wail (previous years)
Subject: RE: Help: Wareham Wail
*blush* Why thank you

It was certainy a grand weekend, what with Seeing the sun up, prepareing a viking warior for berial (Hopefully photo's to follow!) Stripping at the breakfat table, and sleeping in my tent only on the one night I hadn't planned to be there (Sun)!!!
In 84hours I ony spent aprox 15 asleep - 6 durring hours of darkness & 1 in the middle bar on Sunday afternoon (the first shut eye I'd had since the feast!)
Ohh & Pete K's Name must be added to the list of night owls who kept vigal by the fire through the night.

Great To put so many faces to names..... Roll on Next Yr