The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12629   Message #101318
Posted By: Sourdough
01-Aug-99 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: What is a kid's song?
Subject: RE: What is a kid's song?
Cheer up, BK. No nead to eat chum or other bait fish in order to have baited breath. I used to think of the possibility of an aphrodisiac mouthwash so that I could troll for women with "baited breath" but then I realized out what baited breath is about. We wait excitedly for something with "abated breath".

If you want a more detailed explanation from me, I have to advise you, "Don't hold your breath."

Wow, talk about thread creep. I will not accept e-mail addressed to "The Thread Creep".
