The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62418   Message #1013231
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
05-Sep-03 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Seeds of Love radio programme
Subject: RE: Seeds of Love radio programme
The BBC's Seeds of Love programme seemed to me a very worthwhile use of half an hour's airtime. It presented a number of contrasting viewpoints, without endorsing any of them, allowing the listeners to make up their own minds (and perhaps encouraging them to pursue the subject further.

I was less favourably impressed by Chris Bearman's letter to MusTrad, and have submitted the following response to it.

"Oh dear! Here we go again! This new kerfuffle will come as no great surprise to anyone who has had their toes bitten while paddling in these shark-infested waters. Nevertheless, it still makes me 'prostrate with dismal' (as Jim Copper once said) to see folklorists falling out so acrimoniously.

Although I've disagreed publicly with Dave Harker and Georgina Boyes on various issues (see> ), I respect the substantial efforts they've put into folklore studies, and accept absolutely their right to interpret the facts differently from me.   On this particular question, Mr Bearman's judgement may eventually prove to be correct. But presenting it in the form of an intemperate rant is unlikely to improve its chances of becoming accepted.   

There are more than enough people - in academia, in the world of the "serious" arts, in the media, and among the general public at large - who seize any opportunity to give the traditional arts and their practitioners a good kicking. Why should those of us inside the folk community do their job for them? Can't we have a debate without turning it into a punch-up? "
