The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62489   Message #1013523
Posted By: Gavin
05-Sep-03 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Allotments
Subject: RE: BS: Allotments
Just a couple of thoughts - so you have a fair few people to commiserate with, as well as lots of good ideas!

Allotments 4 All - good craic!
Allotments UK - Yahoo group "resurrected" from a spammed and nasty mess; good bunch of folks.
The Kitchen Garden Forum - another good bunch of folks, on a forum run by Kitchen Garden magazine; and there's a good read too - hard to find in most newsagents, but there's subscription information on the web-site, so go down to your WHSmiths or whatever and black mail them into getting a few copies in every month.

And one last thought - the first year is HARD. You're slaving away clearing a jungle, while all the old lads saunter in, fill a few placky bags with produce, have a cup of tea and a natter, and wander home again.   Get your clearing well done - and you just might be in the same happy situation!!!!!!

Good luck - Gavin