The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62707   Message #1014225
Posted By: Don Firth
07-Sep-03 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
Subject: RE: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
I've been acquainted with the Project for the New American Century for over a year now and have posted links to their web site on these threads on Mudcat about umpteen times so far, so that people can go and read what I keep screaming about for themselves and verify that the neo-Conservatives actually exist and that they are indeed the ones who are running the country. It's very late at night here in Seattle and I want to go to bed, so I won't look it up and post it yet again. Just go to google, click on "Advanced Search," type "Project for a New American Century" in the "exact phrase" box, and let 'er rip!   The first listing that comes up should take you to their home page. The one just below that (if I remember right) will take you to their "Statement of Principles." Scroll down to the bottom of the page and note the people who are signatories to the statement. They are the Bush administration.

Also, in google's "exact phrase" box, type "Rebuilding America's Defenses" and you will be presented with enough material on the subject to fry your eyeballs and quite possibly make you mad enough to spit nails or incite you to bloody revolution. I recommend vigorous political action instead. There is a national election coming up in November 2004, so if we want it badly enough to get off our butts and work for it, regime change in the United States is in our hands.

G'night, now. . . .

Don Firth