The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62707   Message #1014637
Posted By: Bobert
07-Sep-03 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
Subject: RE: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
Looks like the big battle on the War on terrorism is shapin' up to be the 2004 Elections. The course that UIS is taking presently can only bring about another generation of terrorism....

Speakin' of terrorism. Wonder what it feels like to be 47 years old, a $1500 a month mortgage payment, one kid in college and another gettin' ready to graduate from high school and just found out that yer job has been shipped overseas and yer CEO is makin' $14.2M(*) a year?

Or how the guy who's holding down two jobs to make ends meet and the first job is now becoming *salaried*, meaning that Boss Hog can work you as long as he likes with out havin' to pay you fir the overtime?

Or the terrorism felf by folks who live in 14B states where they have "Right to Work" (fir peanuts)...

Lots of ways of lookin' at terrorism.

But rest assured, attackin' and killing folks who had nothin' to do with 9-11, ain't gonna make anyone safer...
