The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62716   Message #1014758
Posted By: Steve Parkes
08-Sep-03 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: September 19th - talk like a pirate day
Subject: Back to the zucchini ...
Zucchini? We call 'em courgettes, but I think the Z word is better, as it incorporates a sort to of "yuck" sound ... yucchini? But I have a query about the NLAZOYNDNBP Day: do you leave it on the morning of the day, i.e. at 00.01 hours on NLAZOYNDNBP Day, or the evening, i.e. at 00.01 hours on [NLAZOYNDNBP Day + 1]? Would it be more efficient to putthe Zs in the bin (trash)? Or even not buy them in the first place? How a bout a National (or International, since we're in different countries) Don't Buy a Zucchini Today Because You Never Eat Them Anyway Day? Then it wouldn't really matter what day of the year it was, would it? Or how about - let's think B-I-G -- the International Year of Not The Zucchini? And every time someone asked you, "whassamarrer?" you would say, "a pregnant cucumber!" to mark its being the IYNTZ.

(Don't even start me on the Pirates ...)