The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62754   Message #1016515
Posted By: Deckman
10-Sep-03 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP
HI Mary,

As you know, I have considered going to your camp several times. The only reason I haven't yet is that I'm NOT retired yet, though my deck building competition would wish I would hurry up and retire. As I have also mentioned to you, I have a brother that lives perhaps an hour North of you in the village of Westport.

As I'm looking at perhaps committing to a camp this year, I bump into the "NO ALCOHOL" rule. What the heck is that all about? This is a straight and legimate question.

As you and I have spent many hours in hoots together, over the years, I suspect you'll remember that I am NOT a problem drinker: I always leave with the lady I arrive with; I don't get sick and vomit all over the floor; and as far as I remember, I haven't embarrassed myself, or anyone else by enjoying a glass of wine at a hoot.

Please correct me if I'm wrong and explain this "NO DRINKING" rule.

Respectfully, Bob(deckman)Nelson