The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62784   Message #1016597
Posted By: Allan Dennehy
10-Sep-03 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Neurological diseases
Subject: RE: BS: Neurological diseases
Thanks very much everyone including the person who PMed me. Ive been meaning to try to write my 2 year history down on a thread for months and months to get some feedback but its just been too big a mission for me. Maybe Im getting started now. Ive been sick for two years now; chronic pains, walking with a stick or crutches half the time, not walking at all a little bit of the time, spasticity, difficulty hitting the correct keyboard keys,drop everything that comes between my hands 'cept my Lowden and so forth. My doctor said from the start that it was MS but my scan and the lumbar puncture have been neg. The neuroligists cant wait to get me out of their clinics fast enough cause I dont fit their patterns so theyve sent me off for neurological rehab. This doesnt help at all of course. Ive had a bad back for 20 years but my doc and I agree that this is a lot more than back pains and the MS society over here have told me that they have loads of members that were arsed round with for up to 6 years before getting their diagnosis. Then my first cousin got almost the exact same symtons 6 months ago. My doc says that its too big a coincedence and we're hoping that the neurologists in Dublin take a good look at my scans. I can tell that there is one thing thats a lot worse than MS and that is having all the symtons but not having the diagnosis. It screws up the treatment Im getting and will slow down my pension process terribly. I wont be lying awake worrying about whether Ive got the other disease or not. Ive got a black belt in living in the present, you know, am I going to make it from the couch to the toilet, how the hell Im going to manage 2 x 3 and a half hour gigs this weekend and so forth. My friends say Im great at tackling it but I suppose you have to be. I have to get to bed now, its been a couple of really rough days. But I'll get back to this thread tomorrow when Ive gotten my ten hours sleep. So goodnight all.
PS I liked the joke, Art. My own gallows humour scares the shit out of some people.

