The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62489   Message #1016628
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-03 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Allotments
Subject: RE: BS: Allotments
Must not be too many Virginie' born an' raised folks 'round the Catbox. Everyone in these parts knows that "allotments" is all about growin' tobacco. Ye3p, the federal government teels you exactly how much of yer land you can plant in the stuff..... Man, you oughtta see them farmers down 'round southwest Virginnie gettin everything out of that half acre they're allowed. 2 foot rows!.....

Ahhhh, Gavin, thnaks fir the link. I hate Roundup but it works. Would love to find somethin' else...
