The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12720   Message #101668
Posted By: Mudjack
02-Aug-99 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Contacts in Oregon
Subject: RE: Contacts in Oregon
I answered your side mail before I came here. I see our good folks are keeping you in tune with the local ooplaws.(pun intended)Now I don't mean to start a civil war here, but have you noticed how quiet the OR folks are about there beautiful state? Us WA folks are real proud of our no income tax sstus. But not to many years ago, there they had all their offramps closed coming from Calif. The last time I went to Barbara's. OR failed to put a sighn on the Salem off ramp, So when I got to the CA state line I turned around. Only exagerated by 600 miles.Salem has construction going on right now, Barbara must know I'm throwing o local inside joke at her.