The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62838   Message #1016828
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
11-Sep-03 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Academic authority a lie?
Subject: BS: Is Academic authority a lie?
Without discussing Mr G W Bush's MA are we to ready to accept any crackpot theory offered by a Ph D?

Have Academic standards fallen to such new depths that the only requirement is good gramar and spelling but no care for truth and reason? Are postgrads now unemployable becuase they don't know what there are taking about?

If so what are we the rest of society with our humble Technnical and Educational College, older University degrees etc to do?

Should we establish Global plan to weed out the gramar nazis and vett in those who do know their stuff.

Finaly are people who collect letters after their names, sick in the head?; is it a case of the more letters the more stupid the person, or is it childish insecurity in an otherwise normal intelligent person?
- and if so is it now time for the Global 'basic intelligence test', perhaps the 'basic topics tests' on everything from bagpipes to windmills?