The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29785 Message #1017933
Posted By: Fred (Beetle) Bailey
12-Sep-03 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Bawdy music :-)
Subject: RE: Bawdy music :-)
Am I the only Mudcatter with a copy of "Count Palmiro Vicarion's Book of Bawdy Ballads"? It was printed in France (of course) in 1961 by The Olympia Press, 8 rue de Nesle, Paris 6 and smuggled into the bible-thumpers belt in the bottom of my brothers seabag after a North African (I think) tour of duty. (Can anyone imagine a more seminal gift for a barely adolescent guitar-banger?) The binding failed long ago and I may have lost a few pages but there's 65 listed in the table of contents -- only a few with a sparse melody score.
The Count's frontspiece: "To those who have written, are writing, and who will write them, together with those who have the sensibility and courage to publish them, this collection is fondly dedicated. And may they drop dead who secretly read and publically burn them -- or else begin their real education."
It's an amazing collection of scatalogical and sexual humor that stands head and shoulders (so to speak) above the respected journeyman works of Mr. Silverman and Brand and others mentioned above.
Anyone know where I can get a fresh copy?
Failing that, I'll trade lyrics of any of the 65 for any others that I don't have -- or any such deal -- let's keep this Folk Heritage alive!