The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12715   Message #101843
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
03-Aug-99 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: Tonight at the Starry Plough
Subject: RE: Tonight at the Starry Plough
I had such a great time Sunday night I don't know if I can stay away. I sat with Dave and Sonja and her friend Kyle while PJ and RiGGY were in the jam group. What a terrific guy Dave is and PJ is just as great. I didn't get to talk much to RiGGY last night, but he's really something. He gave me my first greeting to the pub when I walked up a month ago. I was stunned that anyone there knew who I was, but he did. I repeat, if you're ever in the Bay Area on Sunday night, the Starry Plough is a must. Fadac, come and show us how you clear out a room in five minutes :o).. amd Mike Billo, bring them dry bones. I'm not ready for the jam group yet--I don't know enough of the tunes, or the harmonies--but I'm gonna keep on soloing with tunes out of my half-vast repertoire. If I can do it, anyone can. Hi, PJ! --seed