The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62838   Message #1018494
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
14-Sep-03 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Academic authority a lie?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Academic authority a lie?
And so "sorefingers",

I think you have proved your argument, but not necessarily in the way you might have intended.

The question you submited for debate was "Is Academic authority a lie?"

Yes, we mostly basicly agree with you.

"Without discussing Mr G W Bush's MA are we to ready to accept any crackpot theory offered by a Ph D?"

Probably. Most people who are ignorant in a field of knowledge would often believe those who merely shout the loudest. The trouble is that here many do have some considerable knowledge and can often detect when nonsense is being spouted. Others of us, find our "bullshit detector" triggers when people basicly start shouting, throwing tantrums, and are unable to back up THEIR personal OPINION with any reasonable attempt at documentation.

"Have Academic standards fallen to such new depths that the only requirement is good gramar [sic] and spelling but no care for truth and reason?

Many would say "NO!" and "YES!" respectively. Refer in other threads to which you have contributed as demonstration of the first part.

Are postgrads now unemployable becuase they don't know what there are taking about?"

Many would say "YES!"

"If so what are we the rest of society with our humble Technnical and Educational College, older University degrees etc to do?"

Improve our Education.

"Should we establish [sic] Global plan to weed out the gramar [sic] nazis and vett [sic] in those who do know their stuff."

[scratches head] No, let's just all spell how ever we feel today, secure in the knowledge that having thus obfuscated our expressions of thought, no one can possibly understand what we are saying well enough to tell us that we are delusional in our belief structure.

"Finaly [sic] are people who collect letters after their names, sick in the head?;

Some well may be. But it would depend on the type of sickness. Many types of "head sickness" would obviate reasonable progress in almost any form of Academic Study, especially those with substantial components of abstract thought.

is it a case of the more letters the more stupid the person, or is it childish insecurity in an otherwise normal intelligent person?"


"- and if so is it now time for the Global 'basic intelligence test', perhaps the 'basic topics tests' on everything from bagpipes to windmills?"


Oh, wait....

What makes you think that you would pass?

Oh, I see, you are the expert examiner...

Come again. No charge for Fools. Or even for you.


The Author
The Fooles Troupe
The Virtual Fooles Troupe