The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62924   Message #1018809
Posted By: Martin Graebe
14-Sep-03 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: Last Night of the Proms
Subject: RE: Last Night of the Proms
Lynne, it's the second time I've been but the last time was two years ago when, because of Sept 11, it was a different occasion and memorable for different reasons - I cannot now listen to the Barber Adagio without getting a little choked.

Last night was a joyous celebration - yes it is overtly about Britshness but the people around us were from New Zealand, Japan, Iran, Germany and were all having a great time because of music. We spent most of the afternoon and evening talking to people we'd never met from places we'll probably never go. And the balloons and the hooters and the party poppers (many set off in the orchestra , I noticed). Shan's rocket baloons nearly made it to the gallery - well apart from the one that scored a direct hit on one of the second violins.

The Proms are a great institution. Where else can you see Music of that quality for £4? OK, for that price you have to queue and you have to stand a lot - worth it? Oh yes! If you get lucky you can be on the front row with a double orchestra booming out The Planets or to hear Sarah Connelly singing Dido's lament. But it's over for another year. Come tomorrow I'll be out in the back room of the Golden Fleece in Stroud with friends, sharing our songs in a way that other musicians have since Purcell was around. Isn't it a great world where you can do that as well and enjoy it just as much?
