The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62924   Message #1018830
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
14-Sep-03 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Last Night of the Proms
Subject: RE: Last Night of the Proms
"Around here you can say the sky is blue, and someone at Mudcat will swear vehemently that it is gray" - well it is going to be grey in some places, especially over here, that's the way the weather works.

Prom stands for "promenade", because you can move around in the Albert Hall auditorium during the music, in the series of concerts which take place every year in the summer. It's not just a matter of sitting down in a concert seat. Makes it feel more participatory. Typically many people will have a season ticket and come to a whoel number of concerts.

I think songs deserve more respect than is implied by the sentiment that they are just jolly songs and the words don't matter. The words do matter. That doesn't mean you can't sometimes just sing a song without agreeing to what it is saying - but I think when we do that we should be aware that we are doing it, and consciously distancing ourselves from the meaning if we disagree with it. And vice versa.

When I sing a song like "Rolling Home" it's not just a good song - it's a conscious expression of solidarity.