The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62942   Message #1019010
Posted By: Janie
14-Sep-03 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Weather- hurricane watch for east USA
Subject: RE: Weather- hurricane watch for east USA
We're starting to track it pretty closely ourselves and to batten down a few of the hatches just so there won't be so much to do in case she does head through here.

If she heads up the Bay the damage will be horrendous because of the population density from Norfolk to Baltimore. Here, Fran caused havoc with wind and Floyd, with water. We are on high ground, and don't worry too much about flooding. We were literally flooded out of West Virginia by the remnants of Gloria in '85, and swore we'd never live on low ground or right on a river again.

Still, there is something really exciting and completely awesome about a big storm like this.
