The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1019031
Posted By: Peg
15-Sep-03 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
well said, Clint.   Very   true that innocent people are   sometimes executed by the state.

John Hardly's judgment seems clouded by emotion. He also seems one of the most ignorant men I've ever come across.

Since when do all women get pregnant as a result of voluntary recreational activity? You mentioned rape just a few   posts earlier; surely even someone as brain-dead as yourself, John Hardly, can be   made to understand   that pregnancy can be a result of rape? Should such a pregnancy   be carried to term? What about when a girl is forcibly raped   by her own father   or brother?   It happens. Should   these products of incest AND rape   be carried to term?   What about women raped during in vasion during wartime? Ever been raped, John? I didn't   think so.

It might also interest you to know that women do actually become pregnant regardless of whether they use   birth control. My own   sister conceived her first child while she was on the Pill in fact. Birth control is still in the Stone Age; interestingly enough, variations on Viagra continue to dominate   pharmaceutical researchers' experiments, and it's more available to low-income patients than birth control.

When you're ready (or your pro-life female relatives are ready) to adopt all these inconvenient little babies, we can talk. Until then, your opinion on this matter is worth little.   You're    just another one of those pathetic middle-aged old men waving signs and hating women in front of the clinic.   Some of them stop at signs; others move on to guns.