The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1019189
Posted By: Peg
15-Sep-03 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Rapaire; I think John Hardly got pretty personal. He referred to my statement that more pro-lifers are men than women (particularly the ones who try to kill doctors who provide abortions) as a "tired old rube" with NO factual information to back it up except for his 'personally' knowing some pro-lifers who are women. Maybe next time he is picketing a clinic he should do a head-count and see which gender is better-represented. Herein Boston, most of them are men (remember   John Salvi?) and most of the names represented on the hate-filled websites are men's. Certainly more of the politicians who are anti-choice are men. Harpgirl makes a good point about gender inequity.

Then he claims to be using "logic"? I don't think calling someone ignorant is name-calling; it's pretty obviously true in this case.
He calls on me to "point out his flaws" and I have already done so, but he then ignores what I have said. I am done with this silly argument.   My experience has been that pro-lifers in general are so fanatical that they can't see reason, nor respond   to anything without distorting it to fit their own tiny little mindset, and I have better things to do than argue with a fanatic.