The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1019417
Posted By: GUEST,Clint Keller
15-Sep-03 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
John Hardly:

"If you understand the distinction between innocent and guilty (and I think I pointed out that you do), comparison of abortion to capital punishment is merely a red herring."

Indeed I do understand. I said, plain as I could, "capital punishment, even when done with due process is sometimes the taking of an innocent life. The courts are not infallible."

"So you are saying that an abotion is an amputation?"

No. They are similar in that they are bad things. Amputation and abortion and killing a child's dog are all bad things, but sometimes a bad thing is the best you can do, because the alternatives are worse things.

" 'If pro-life advocates they'd each adopt at least one "undesirable" baby, and have funerals for miscarriages.''
"Lots do and lots do. But even if they did not adopt a single unwanted, undesirable child, it might make them less honrable -- but not philosophically wrong. And I have personally attended three funerals for miscarriages"

Didn't say "philosophically wrong." Said they're not putting their actions where their mouth is; not practicing what they preach; not living up to their philosophy.All hat & no cattle. I had never heard of a funeral for a miscarriage until your post. Stillbirths, yes.

"The speed limit thing -- I can understand the connection but logically you would have to accept the premise that lower speed limits save lives. I've seen stats that counter that notion."

Stats or no, it takes longer to stop at high speeds, and that can cost lives. That's why nobody sane wants a 60 mph speed limit inside city limits.

But my point was, if you're sincerely pro-life I expect you to be against anything that is anti-life, that can cost lives. Burning stubble fields in this area, for instance.
