The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62489   Message #1019669
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Sep-03 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Allotments
Subject: RE: BS: Allotments

And here I just planted some mint in the garden. I know, it can get out of hand, but this is a nice chocolate mint that we'll try using for tea.

Vinegar is good for killing grass and herbacious weeds, but it is my understanding that if you (for example) spray to kill the weeds around a tree, it won't hurt the tree at all. Personally, I use it to knock off the grass that grows in the cracks in the driveway and I'll be going around the house slab foundation again to kill some of the weeds that have grown up around my soaker hoses. I don't want to shred those hoses with the weed-eater. The grass comes back after a while, but its only vinegar, so I can use it whenever I feel like it and it causes no harm. And who knows, if you feel the urge to munch on some of those dandelions in the yard, just give them a light vinegar spritz and pop them into your mouth!