The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62924   Message #1019798
Posted By: fiddler
16-Sep-03 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: Last Night of the Proms
Subject: RE: Last Night of the Proms
My my my,

I listened to a prog on BBC Radio 4 about this.

lets keep it in perspective - we are not remembering we are enjoying good jingoistic (but well constucted) music. Yup it relates to allsorts of bad things - that we know now - but at the time if we said oh my war is bad we'd not be in a position to sing now we'd probably not exist!

There is a context not only in the words but the periods - Look at all the deaths in the name of religion - or rather please don't it's too horriffic - Lets lie back for once and enjoy being British - which is what none of us brits are good at other than the footbal thugs (who really don't like football but use it as a vehicle) - I'm off on one here.

Context - context - The Yanks are proud of Iraq - I'm not but I understand why they are proud - I don't agree but there we go.

How many folk songs glorify war - how many cover slave trade or glorify the sea - forgot the press gangs have we - context again.

Better go getting contextually boring.