The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63000   Message #1020220
Posted By: Bobert
16-Sep-03 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sniff... Humming Birds Hit the Road.....
Subject: BS: Sniff... Humming Birds Hit the Road.....
Yep, this is the day that I don't look forwatd to when the humming birds take on a little extra water and beat feet, 'er wings. I knew it was coming when one hovered about 3 feet from my face last night as I was sitrting on the back deck...

This mornin' one hovered by the kitchen window as said "bye" to the P-Vine and then they were out-a-here... Yep, off to winterin' down in Panama or Yuckatan...

Gonna miss my little buddies... Can't wait fir spring...

