The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1020441
Posted By: harpgirl
16-Sep-03 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Kevin, you said...

I've never had anyone I loved murdered, so how am I any more qualified to talk about capital punishment, by your logic, harpgirl? There are plenty of people who would put it that way, too.

I don't think you are more qualified to talk about capital punishment, Kevin. Just unqualified to speak about what most women want. However, since men are mostly responsible for the laws we have about capital punishment as well as more numerous on death row, one might argue that you have a greater stake in that issue.

I should like to see you and your brothers insist that all laws about capital punishment be rewritten by an equal number of men and women! Hell, I'd like to see the Constitution rewritten by an equal number of men and women. Then maybe it would reflect women's concerns as well!

I don't think killing human beings is a good thing to do, that's all. However guilty, however small.

I know you are against abortion, Kevin. We differ on that.

And you really believe that the only women who have abortions arre the ones who would freely choose this if they could see an alternative... Well, maybe there are some places and times where that is true, in which case they are a lot more fortunate places and times than any I have ever lived in.

Kevin, most women who would chose abortion do not have the option. To have or not to have an abortion is my idea of a "free choice."
The vast majority of women on this planet have no choice but to carry their pregnancies to term. Abortion is just not an option.

Even women who get to choose abortion as an alternative to unwanted pregnancy are often doing it at the behest of men. Or as Fionn suggests, they are choosing it because to have a child out of wedlock would bring the patriarchal wrath of their church elders down on them. Controlled by men either way! Not much choice there I'd say!

Women have found ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies for many thousands of years. I believe the first reasons had to do with the challenges of seasonal migration and the food supply. And we will continue to make choices about having or not having babies no matter how much men try to control us!

And by the way guys, I'm not even the slighest bit angry about this discussion! I think it's important that you all hear from women with strong and differing points of view. Maybe that way those of you who don't care what women think or who don't listen to women will begin to take some notice! And stop telling us what to do with our bodies!
Love harpgirl