The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63011   Message #1020443
Posted By: mg
16-Sep-03 - 11:38 PM
I will be gone all next week, and would like to know that everyone knows how to get there....since some people, guilt guilt guilt, haven't actually paid yet, I might not have your I will put the directions here.

First of all, if you want to eat, try to get me a check. Mail it to Mary Garvey, 1408 201st #6, Ocean Park, Washington 98640. $50 for adult, $35 for children for weekend. Take $17 off if you will only stay one night.

So far we will be eating rice, beans, oats and barley until some more checks come in (just joking..)

First note: THIS IS OCEAN PARK, NOT OCEAN SHORES. Big difference. We are just north of Astoria, Oregon. Not on Grays Harbor. Get to Long Beach, Washington, via Raymond probably from Seattle, or Astoria via Oregon. If the weather is really bad, you might want to take I-5 to Longview, cross bridge, go to Astoria, cross bridge again and shoot up to Long Beach. From Long Beach, go through town, go 10 more miles to Ocean Park. Stop at stop light. Go straight 1.1 more will see a sign that says Ocean Park Retreat Center on your left. It is supposedly illuminated but I'll try to have extra lights etc. Go into camp, and follow sign to Ocean View Lodge..winds up a little hill. There you are. Come any time after around 4 p.m...earlier the better since it is getting dark earlier...if you stop at the light, you will see Jack's on your left. If you go more than 1.5 miles and don't find it, go back to Jack's and ask someone..but it is straight throught the light 1.1 miles. Potluck Friday night so stop at Jack's if you need some goodies..flashlights etc.

I can be reached through Saturday at 360-665-4999, or 360-642-2031 during the day. My email is This is going to be a great bunch of people for sure... If you don't reach me or decide at the last minute you can come, try to leave a message but by all means just show up.

This is payback for me waiting till the last minute at all these camps, I know... mg