The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50436   Message #1021153
Posted By: GUEST,
17-Sep-03 - 10:41 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Come Lasses and Lads

Come lasses and lads get leave of your dads, and away to the Maypole hie
For every he has got him a she, and the fiddler's standing by
For Willie will dance with Jane, and Johnny has got his Joan
To trip it, trip it, trip it, trip it, trip it up and down
To trip it, trip it, trip it, trip it, trip it up and down

You're out says Dick, not I says Nick; 'twas the fiddler played it wrong
'Tis true says Hugh and so says Sue and so says everyone
The fiddler then began, to play the tune again
And every girl did trip it, trip it, trip it to the men
And every girl did trip it, trip it, trip it to the men

And there they sat until it was late and tired the fiddler quite
With singing and playing without any paying from morning until night
They told the fiddler then, they'd pay him for his play
And each a two-pence, two-pence, two-pence gave him and went away
And each a two-pence, two-pence, two-pence gave him and went away

Good night says Harry good night says Mary, good night says Poll to John
Good night says Sue, good night says Hugh, good night says everyone
Some walked and some did run, some loitered on the way
And bound themselves by kisses twelve to meet next holiday
And bound themselves by kisses twelve to meet next holiday