The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #1021213
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Sep-03 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Deanmeister, you can't be serious. Do you think that Dean is the only person with these types of views? Or that he was the original author of much of what he espouses? Your post reads like a person who is worried. I think these are two fine candidates, and Dean comes out on the stronger side from the standpoint of enunciating a position and a plan......for now. In the end those things will be important, but won't be decisive. It will be appeal to a large number of intangibles that add up to the "Walter Cronkite factor". The great middle will go for the person they are most comfortable with. Were I advising Dr. Dean, this is where I would advise him to put his effort. I know his forthrightness is refreshing, I must admit that it appeals to me ...strongly, I might add. But for all his appeal, at this point he makes many folks a bit uncomfortable. This must be overcome if he is to stay in the lead.

Clark will be a major factor. So much so that you might see a new Bush ticket with Cheney getting bounced in favor of a Colin Powell. Long shot, but let's see how it plays out.

Alice.......keep up the advocacy on behalf of you candidate, no matter what is said here.

All the best,
