The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1021439
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Sep-03 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
I've never seen you acting so respectful, Raptor. What's up? Have you found Jesus?

Hey, folks...instead of finding a gender to blame, why don't we just try to agree on what is negative behaviour and what is positive behaviour? Anyone here in favour of clitorectomies and female circumcision? No? I didn't think so.


Now, what about the thorny issue of when a fetus becomes a "person"? Is it a few weeks into term? Is it a few months into term? Is it (as is suggested in some spiritual writings) at or shortly prior to birth itself? Or is it at the very moment of conception, when the sperm fertilizes the egg???? (which is, of course, prior to the actual fetus, per se...but you know what I mean...)

All of these matters must be considered in forming an opinion regarding the morality of terminating a pregnancy.

Now the fact is, lots of people have opinions regarding the above, but they DON'T KNOW the answer to when the "person" begins. So...their opinion on the morality of abortion is based upon:

1. emotion

2. conjecture

and most importantly of all... (drum roll)

3. the opinions of other people whom they have known or heard from in the past!

...whose opinions were based on...

1. emotion

2. conjecture

and most importantly of all... ('nother drum roll)

3. the opinions of other people whom they have know or heard from in the past!

...whose opinions were based on...


And that's life on planet Earth. Gotta love it! Can you believe people kill each other over stuff like this? Well, hey, sure they do! And over even sillier things, too.

- LH