The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1021615
Posted By: alanabit
18-Sep-03 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
This has got a little personal, which is a shame, because there is plenty worth debating.
   There is the view taken that life begins at conception and that if this life is curtailed it amounts to the killing of an "unborn child". Others - including myself - believe that life emerges more gradually and that above all we have to act in accordance with the wishes of the women in whose bodies this happens. The "pro lifers" see themselves as wishing to save "unborn children". The rest of us believe that we have no right to impose our own moral judgements on others. Now before the "pro lifers" come back with the answer that we are in effect forcing our judgements on unborn children, it is worth recalling that debate of any importance has long since moved on.
   It is hard to find anyone who really likes abortion per se and in practice it is always seen as the lesser of two evils. This is an issue of a personal moral dilemma. For that reason, whatever one's own moral revulsion to abortion is, it can not be legislated out of existence any more than prostiution can be, or gambling can be or dangerous drugs can be, or being rude to people on Wednesdays can be. All legislation can do is to set up a framework in which it can be carried out with the least damage to women.
   When women have proper access to health care, education, career structures and political influence, there will be less unwanted pregnancy and less abortion. There is no such thing as a pro abortionist.