The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62707   Message #1021732
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
18-Sep-03 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
Subject: RE: BS: War on terror called 'bogus'
Well McGrath,
I'm not sure just how effective the N.A. were, (and would have been on their own) especially since The US Govt was giving the Taliban heaps of money allegedly to stop Opium production...

The French Resistance did insist on liberating Paris, when the Allied Commander (U.S. I believe!) wanted to bypass it, while the Germans put their plans to raze it to the ground into effect.

Without them, many things would have been near impossible, including hiding/smuggling Allied agents and POWs.

There was a recent good multi-part TV doco on DeGaulle, and his role in The Free French. He didn't want to deal with those who dealt with the Germans, but the US & Britian preferred to deal with them instead of him. Funny how the French loved him, and did't take so well to the US after the war when the story came out...

I was first made aware of this dislike when I first crossed the Channel to visit France. The year was 1953. The sentiment firmly expressed to me was 'We [the French and other continentals] dislike you British just a little less than we dislike the Americans.' And this just a few years after American armed forces had assisted in the liberation of France from the Nazis.
francis freespirit
oxford, england
in another list elsewhere
just after Sep 11 2001
