The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62985   Message #1022139
Posted By: Drumshanty
19-Sep-03 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Subject: RE: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
We have three. My husband belonged to Cheeky and she really didn't want me as well! She'd constantly slash the backs of my legs when I walked past her when we first got together.

Then she had Topsy (and four others) and I belong to Topsy, who snores louder than any of the rest of us, greets me each morning by sitting in the bath, won't drink water except from a running tap, won't let me go to the bathroom without her ever, will give me a high-five to get petted then chirrups and growls and generally gabbles all the while she's getting cuddles. But she will not be picked up and never sits on anyone's lap without drawing blood. She's also the fattest, but the only one who can get up on top of the wardrobe for a quick kip. She's also the only one who still piddles on the carpet when her tray is dirty or when she's in a snit.

Harley was brought to our door just before Christmas three years ago by a couple of kids. He was teeny and starving but he soon settled in. He's now his Daddy's boy completely. No time for me at all. He sleeps in a box that's way too small for him during the day. When we go to bed at night, he waits till the light is off, then gets on his Daddy and purrs and dribbles and dribbles and purrs, then gets off, runs about really fast, bouncing off walls and furniture, then cries a bit (he can't meow properly) and brings us his fish-on-a-string toy. Then we can go to sleep.

Life wouldn't be the same without them.