The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63109   Message #1022637
Posted By: Mrrzy
21-Sep-03 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help: Mom heart disease, advice?
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Mom heart disease, advice?
Thanks, all. I'll probably PM you soon, Dave. She's 74, not overweight, not hypertensive (in fact, low blood pressure runs in our family), no diabetes, and boy does she smoke less than she used to. But she won't let me talk to any of her doctors! I haven't found out why, but she won't. Only my eldest sister, who has no ken of biology, is allowed to... which is exceedingly frustrating for me, I need data! If I give her a question to ask, she'll ask it, but she doesn't know enough biology to ask the follow-up question that pops up immediately to me... So thanks, all. Others heard from? Anybody have BOTH the valve replacement and the bypass(es)?