The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12786   Message #102269
Posted By: Vixen
04-Aug-99 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Incommunicado Thread
Subject: Incommunicado Thread

I thought it might be informative to have a thread where people could let d'cat know that they would be absent for awhile. If it's a dopey idea, the thread will die quickly, I'm sure. But I'm sure many of us have vacation plans, and may not be able to cat around while we're vacating (others, I'm sure, will cat around even more while on vacation!) Anyway, to avoid worry and or confusion, I will be off line until 23 August. I'm not going away mad, insulted, offended, or (as in Catspaw's case) in an ambulance.

I shall return (that's a promise, not a threat!) [I hope]