The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63179 Message #1023981
Posted By: GUEST,Critto
23-Sep-03 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Filkin' around Spancil Hill
Subject: Lyr Add: Filkin' around Spancil Hill
Hello all y'all!! I've recently wrote a song directly based on Spancil Hill; it's a 'filk', and its theme is anti-income tax (that means, anti-IRS). It tells about the times before 16th Amendment was added to US constitution (1912), the later times, and the troubles of 'tax protesters'. I wrote it, for: I wanted to:), I love Spancil Hill, I'm a libertarian, and I'm interseted in American history. Enjoy.
Times of yore, by Critto '2003, based on Spancil Hill by Michael Considine, ca. 1873 =============
Last night as I lay dreaming Of pleasant days gone by When there was yet no IRS Not tax forms there to file. No people lining up as the slaves At the mighty Agency's door But retaining all the money earned By them, that they worked hard for.
It's been April 16th, 1912 The things were as they should be, No feeling of us being robbed, No'ne screwing you and me The young, the old, the brave and the bold No money had to give the state At the gunpoint forced, and for none, But instead, they gone their way.
I went to see my neighbors, To hear what they might say They took care for business of their own, As on any other day I met the tailor Quigley He's as bold as ever been Ah, he used to protest the new tax In the dready 1913.
I paid a flying visit to The darling of my heart; She hasn't been in prison yet For refusing to be robbed; She threw her arms around me Sayin' "Johnny I love you, you know" Now those bastards have her slammed for life For saving the money she owned.
I dreamt I held and kissed her As in the days of yore; "Oh Johnny you're only joking, As many a time before" Then the alarm clock played some melody, It played both loud and shrill; I awoke on the Carribean shore, Where no tax forms I've to fill.
---- How do ye like it? Please write me at: Cheerz, Critto