The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63217   Message #1025127
Posted By: Hamish
26-Sep-03 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: Should songs make sense?
Subject: RE: Should songs make sense?
Ah, yes. And no. Sometimes.

However I have a problem with narrative songs which don't make sense. For instance: There's (at least) a couple of version of The Blue (/White) Cockade going around. One has the young ploughboy being pressed into the army and leaving swearing he'll be back and marry the girl and the girl says basically that she hates him. Which doesn't make any sense to me. The other version has her saying she hates the chap who got him to sign up which does make sense.

btw Kate Rusby does a version on her new album. It's essentially the version which makes sense. So Well Done, Kate!