The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63217 Message #1025137
Posted By: Steve Parkes
26-Sep-03 - 06:55 AM
Thread Name: Should songs make sense?
Subject: RE: Should songs make sense?
It's only language that allows us to make nonsense -- nonsense can't happen in "real" things. For instance, consider these two sentences: The following statement is true. The previous statement is false.
Okay, that's enough considering. In life, a cloud can be black or white, but black can't be white nor white be black, however much a politician might persuade us otherwise. And we can believe things that are patently untrue -- to others, and sometimes even to ourselves. What a wonderful thing is the Mind! I first mistyped "to others" as "to otters"; which would have been in the spirit of this thread, wouldn't it? "Do unto otters as you would have otters do unto you" is a fine motto!
Speaking of small furry creatures ... Weerover, you used a Weasel Word! Poetry (of which song is merely a musical version) ... Take out "merely" and you have a competely different emphasis; regardless of the strictly semantic meaning of that line, which doesn't change much with or without the WW, the -- how shall I put it? -- qualitative sense depends very much on it. In a similar vein, (and though I don't make a practice of making insulting remarks about people's names, I hope you'll forgive me this once) wee-rover has a completely different meaning if you sneak in the hyphen one letter further over. Perhaps i'd better go and wash my brain out with soap ...